We are available at every operating system

Were tired complex spreadsheets visibility and fees every time made transaction. we created a better way to send, haveing receive and manage money,

For Android
Android 7+ and above.
For iOS
Requires iOS 10 or later.
For Windows
Android 7+ and above.
For Mac
Android 7+ and above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Klaar offer a free trial?

Absolutely, we do. You can get started with our free trial by scheduling a demo with our Product Experts. After the demo, you will have a full week to try out Klaar at no cost

Does Klaar have a lock in period? If so, why?

Yes, we have a 1 year lock in period. This is to ensure that the significant time & effort invested by our CS team for seamless implementation, customer support, & change management are rewarded appropriately

However, under no circumstances would we want to "hold you captive." Please connect with us in case you want to break your lock in period.

Are there any other hidden costs?

No, nada, none, zilch. No hidden star marks anywhere. Our CS team will work hand in glove with you to ensure a seamless implementation at no extra cost whatsoever

What is the payment schedule like?

Start of the month for monthly billing & start of the contract for annual billing

How long does it take to implement Klaar?

Blink and you can miss it. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but we are ready to be used from Day 1.

For bigger companies, complete implementation might take 3 days